Schlagwort: Bili
Eine unvergessliche Reise
Die Klassenfahrt der 8BI Auf unserer Klassenfahrt nach Mölln in Schleswig-Holstein haben wir eine unvergessliche Zeit erlebt. Das Ziel dieser Reise war es, als Klasse enger zusammenzuwachsen und unsere Gemeinschaft zu stärken. Mölln, eine schöne kleine Stadt mit einer entspannten Atmosphäre, bot uns den perfekten Rahmen für dieses Vorhaben. Wir haben gemeinsam die Sehenswürdigkeiten der…
Der bilinguale Unterricht an der NO feiert 33-jähriges Jubiläum (1990-2023)
Der bilinguale Unterricht an der NO feierte am 2. November 2023 ein ganz besonderes Jubiläum – unser Angebot, verschiedene Sachfächer in englischer Sprache zu unterrichten, besteht nun seit stolzen 33 Jahren. „Bili“ hat von Anfang an überaus erfolgreich funktioniert und sich als schulisches Alleinstellungsmerkmal weit über die regionalen Grenzen hinaus etabliert. Nach der Einführung der…
Football stars visiting the NO
On Tuesday, April 18th the 8BI welcomed Football youth coach Holger Fricke and three New Yorker Lions football players in their Bili PE lesson. Coach Fricke and players Thompson, Meacham and Lyles gave the class a 90 min impression about what American Football is all about: Throwing, catching, defending, attacking and lots of tactics. The…
9bi: Field trip to the Castle of Derneburg
On a beautiful fall day in October, the students of the class 9bi, Mrs Hofheinz, Ms Götz and our language assistant Emily from the USA went on a unique and memorable field trip together. Our destination was the Castle of Derneburg, the former home of the artist Georg Baselitz. Today, the whole estate is transformed…
The 7bi went to the art gallery…
Today, on a beautiful day of spring, the 7bi, Mrs Steinberg, Ms Götz and Mr Grote, went for a walk to the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum in Brunswick to discover still life paintings from the Baroque period. The students gathered in small groups and individually picked an exhibited still life painting which they wanted to…
Abstract Paintings – 7bi
Color concept, composition, painting techniques … the 7bi created some fabulous pieces of art during their last project about non-figurative painting. Here you can see some of them…
Lions at School
Two players of the New Yorker Lions (German Football League Winners!) visited the 7BI on Monday to introduce the class to American Football- in English of course! 🙂 After a quick warm up the class learned how to catch and throw a football. Next up were some „route running“ drills: That is a combination of…
Up to the Top!
The 7BI started the school year not only with three exciting days of getting to know each other but also with getting to know the “Big NO“. After two days full of information and team building games we ended the intro days with an awesome bouldering experience in the “Fliegerhalle“ on Monday. By the way:…